Your Dreams – Your Life!

The Five Minute Dream is here to encourage you.

To encourage you to dream your dreams and work towards them. To encourage you to keep your eyes on your dreams and not get stuck in the trenches of everyday life. Not everyone realises that your thoughts become your reality, so if you’re not super happy with your life at the moment, it’s only because of thoughts you had in the past. Change your thoughts and change what you bring into your life! Concentrate on what you want – not what you don’t want!

When you concentrate and work on what you want, the other stuff falls away because you don’t have time for it.

I’m Donna Watts – a wife, a mother, and a budding Egyptologist! (Watch this space!) I help people reconnect to their dreams and get back on track heading in the direction they want to go in.

Why is my site Egyptian themed? Because one of my dreams is to become an Egyptologist! I’m working towards it now. (You thought I was joking in the paragraph above, didn’t you?)

I’m just like you. I’ve been there, I’ve done the hard yards. A while back I wasn’t very happy with my life, but I worked through it and got myself back on track. I’m following my dreams and working towards them. You can either work towards your dreams and live a life of inspiration, or you can live a miserable life not aspiring to something more and always in search of something, right? The Five Minute Dream was born because through talking to others, I realised there were other people in the same boat. People who had given up on their dreams and thought there was nothing more to life than getting up, going to work, and going home.

Not so!

The Universe never ceases to amaze me. Sometimes it is very subtle, but sometimes it is a slap in the face (a gentle one!) where I just think to myself, that couldn’t be anything but the Universe manifesting what I want.

I encourage you to check out the pages. The merchandise is to help keep you on track and remind you to spend five minutes each day thinking about your dreams. You might even like to join me in a workshop! There are other bits and pieces to enjoy as well.

I’m here to be your cheer leader!

Best Wishes
